Neutering your Pet

Written by Lauren Simpson


Posted on March 21 2018

We all want our dogs and cats to live long and healthy lives. There are a number of things we can do to help – we need to make sure they get enough exercise and eat food made from natural ingredients like Simpsons Premium. Our pets rely on us for everything. 

The benefits of dog and cat neutering

Are your pets neutered? If they’re not, then we’d like to highlight some of the reasons why some people recommend you should:
  • If you have a bitch, you won’t have to deal with the mess and inconvenience of seasons. When a bitch is on heat you have to keep her separate from any dogs and put up with their howling and wailing day and night. Once she’s neutered you don’t need to deal with this ever again.
  • No unexpected litters. Raising puppies or kittens isn’t easy and you should consider what would happen if you struggled to rehome them. Female cats can have up to five litters a year.
  • Castrating your dog may significantly reduce their chances of getting prostate disease and some forms of cancer. Spaying your bitch may reduce their chance of getting breast cancer and pyometra (infection of the womb).
  • Castrating your dog or cat may reduce their desire to roam and fight with other males especially if you castrate before they show any unwanted behaviour.

What happens?

Your local vets will neuter hundreds (if not thousands) of dogs and cats every year. For male pets, the vet removes the testicles (known as castration) and for female pets the vet removes the ovaries and the uterus (known as spaying). Normally, vets will keep female pets in overnight after their operation but males usually come home the same day. The cost can vary, spaying is usually more expensive than castration. Dog neutering can cost between £100 and £300 and cat neutering can cost between £20 and £60. If you can’t afford to get your pet neutered, then there are a number of charities that might be willing to help. Simply contact your local Blue Cross, Cats Protection, PDSA or RSPCA.

When is the best time to neuter?

Your vet will be able to advise at what age you’re best neutering your pet as it depends on your pet’s breed and size. You can still neuter your pet if he/she is an adult as neutering is often suitable for pets of all ages.