Everything You Should Know About Hairballs
•Posted on May 19 2017

Cat owners, you know the score. Hairballs are a slightly disgusting part of having a cat. It can be fairly alarming if you’re not expecting it; your cat suddenly leaps off the sofa and begins hacking and retching until they cough up a scary looking pile of indistinctive material. The hairball. Not even ball shaped most of the time, but tube shaped. Their routine cough up sessions clear their digestive tracts of the build-up of hair deposited there following their favourite activity: grooming. A cat will spend long hours grooming themselves with their rough tongues and picking up a lot of loose hair which they then inevitably swallow. That hair will mostly travel through the digestive tract and pass in their stool; however, a certain amount will amass in their tummies and turn into a hairball. That mass of hair will then irritate the cat until they will try and vomit it up. Though not harmful, your cat shouldn’t be bringing up hairballs constantly. If your cat is doing this every day, you need to get them checked out by the vet as there may be something wrong. If your cat is hacking and coughing and nothing appears, they may have a breathing problem or a blockage that needs attention from the vet. Long haired breeds are more likely to be prone to hairballs – as are the particularly compulsive groomers, as they will swallow the most hair. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to completely avoid or eliminate hairballs but there are a few things you can do to reduce the chance of them happening too often.
Groom your cat often
Distract your cat when they start over-grooming
Give them a healthy nutrient rich food
Try medicine