Why Is My Dog Always Itching?
•Posted on September 19 2018

Food Allergies
The most common causes of skin conditions in dogs is sensitivity to food and many reasons dogs have itchy skin can be down to the food they are eating and the ingredients within them. Ingredients such as; wheat, beef, chicken, turkey and maize are the most common causes of allergies. The majority of skin allergies can be treated naturally with most allergies being controlled by improving the quality of your dog’s diet. Recognising intolerance to ingredients in the diet can be difficult for pet owners as recurring signs are often passed off as irritable bowel disease, ear infections, eczema, dermatitis, vomiting and diarrhoea bugs. If any of the above symptoms keep reoccurring, despite treatment at the vets, then the diet should be closely looked at.Indicators your dog may have a food allergy:
• Scratching • Red, Inflamed or Irritated Skin • Rash • Bad Smell • Hair Loss • Extremely Dry Skin • Small Bumps
We would always recommend in the first instance to change the diet to something that is completely different to what has been fed before. If you have always fed a grain-based diet, then we would recommend going grain free. Always use either a single protein source, or even a novel protein source, which is something your dog has never tried in the past. Our grain-free dog foods are made without any wheat, corn or grains, all of which are ingredients that can be linked with food allergies -which is why we use potato as a carbohydrate in our sensitive range. Feeding our Salmon and Potato food from our sensitive range means that your dog is getting a healthy source of protein in their diet and can help your itchy dog, as dogs with food allergies can be allergic to the more common proteins such as; chicken, lamb, pork or beef. As fish is high in Omega 3 acids, this can decrease inflammation in the skin and increase skin hydration which helps to improve a dull, flaky coat as well as helping your dog fight off any sorts of skin infections and parasites. Omega 3 fats can also reduce your dog’s reaction to pollen and other environmental triggers.
Novel protein refers to a protein source that your pet has never tried before. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an exotic meat such as kangaroo, just any meat that your dog has never consumed. The reason for switching your pet onto food that contains novel protein, is that having one type of food for a long time can often lead to your pet developing a food intolerance. When transitioning your dog onto a new food you should do this over around seven days by substituting a small amount of the new for the old in their meal. Swap out more at each feeding and then by the end of the week you should be feeding entirely the new food. It can take around twelve weeks for the old food to get out of their system and for the new food to take effect. It is important that during this time you feed solely the new food and don’t feed any treats or titbits. Once you see an improvement in the symptoms, then you can add one treat at a time and if your dog reacts then stop that particular treat immediately, but you may keep adding additional ones, one at a time, until you find what your dog can tolerate.