How to Care for Your Cat

Written by Shopify API


Posted on November 28 2017

Sleeping CatsCats spend the majority of their (nine) lives either grooming, exploring, sleeping or eating. They have a natural instant to keep themselves, and other cats clean by licking each other. This is called ‘allogrooming’ and is seen as a social activity which strengthens the bond between litter-mates. Their rough tongues act like hairbrushes, combing out any dirt, fleas or loose hair from their coats and keep it looking purr-fect. However, don’t leave it down to your cat to stay on top of its hygiene routine- there are many other factors that can affect its health. So to avoid any cat-astrophes and nasty infections or other health problems, we have put together some great tips for maintaining a healthy, happy cat.


Fleas and worms are two extremely common irritants for cats, but fortunately there are plenty of treatments available to get rid of them. As well as treating your furry friends for these parasites, it is important to keep up to date with other routine vaccinations at your local vets. The recommended vaccinations by the Cats Protection are:
  • Feline infectious enteritis (FIE)
  • Cat flu
  • Feline leukaemia virus (FeLV)
  • Feline chlamydophilosis
People with older cats should be aware of Hyperthyroidism which often kicks in at about 12 years of age. The symptoms are increased appetite and weight loss, but thankfully it is fairly easy to diagnose.

Oral Hygiene

Unfortunately, cats can’t brush their own teeth, so it’s important that as their loving owner, you check them on a monthly basis, looking out for any irregular signs such as excessive dribbling, bleeding from the gums or bad breath. Establish a cleaning routine using specialist toothpaste and other oral hygiene products (careful not to get them mixed up with your own!) As your cat gets older, it is even more important to take care of its teeth. Mature cats will need regular check-ups and professional cleaning to avoid being left with decaying teeth which leads to gum disease and other oral infections.


Not all felines are as open to bathing, but a gentle massage with some specialist cat shampoo will help to maintain a healthy coat and skin. Wait until your cat is in a relaxing mood, and brush any excess hair out with a soft comb. The removal of dead hair by comb means there is less for your cat to ingest when it grooms itself, which could lead to digestion issues and unexpected hairballs lurking around your home! A scratching post is ideal for dulling down sharp claws, as well as stress relief! However, depending on how much your cat stays indoors it may still be necessary to take your pet to the vets every few months for professional nail trimming. As well as keeping your cat healthy on the outside, it’s is important to keep it healthy on the inside! We recommend combining our hygiene tips with a balanced diet of Simpsons Premium Cat food. If you have any questions about our products or the ingredients that we use, get in touch with us today.